Assessment Outcomes
Outcomes at Woodlawn
Assessment at Woodlawn school is an on-going process using both formative and summative assessment, with the latter taking place every term (Autumn, Spring and Summer). From Year 1 to Year 11 pupils are assessed using B Squared.
We consider the development of the whole child when analysing progress for each pupil and use the following as evidence:
· The Annual Review process – a child or young person’s EHCP
· Moderated PLP data
· B Squared Analysis
· EYFS profiles
· Therapy goal setting
· Observations
· Seesaw analysis
· Thrive assessments
· Additional assessments/reports from therapy
· Exam results – case studies from where they were to outcomes
· Teacher professional judgements
This is a measure of an individual’s progress against the needs and goals of each individual. Targets are set to support progress for each individual. We expect 90% of PLP targets to be achieved annually. Teaching staff attend termly multi professional meetings to discuss PLP progress and next step targets for pupils in their class.
B Squared is used to support tracking progress in both core and foundation subjects. Pupil progress is analysed via cohorts:
· Primary SEND need
· Key stages
· Pupil Premium
We analyse the progress of the different cohorts listed above to support knowledge of curriculum delivery across school. Analysis of this data enables planning of focused CPD where needed.
Targets are created for each group by the outcomes lead in conjunction with senior leaders in school with experience and knowledge of pupil learning.
Where pupils have not made expected or make exceptional progress class teachers create case studies to communicate the progress for individuals.
We can therefore measure/track the progress of the individual by comparing his or her performance, or scores, against his or her own previous performances or scores. Robust systems are in place to ensure pupils achieve at least their expected standard.
At Woodlawn School children in Year 6 have access to the KS2 SATs in May. However, we reserve the right to disapply students after conversations with families. Students' progress is assessed through BSquared and PLP data.
This data is shown below:
Comparative Data:
Comparative data shows that Reading, Writing and Maths (Number) progress has improved on the previous year.
This data does not take into account children’s SEND needs.
PLP Cognition and Learning
At Woodlawn School each child has PLP (Personalised Learning Plan) targets focusing on the small steps needed to reach their EHCP (Early Health Care Plan) targets. These are a working document and assessed once a term.
By July 2023 the progress data will be shared for the current academic year.
In Key Stage 4 and Post 16 pupils follow various courses from different exam boards allowing for accreditation and achievement to be recognised. These include:
· GCSEs – E.g. English Language and Literature, Maths, Science, Computer Science, Art
· Step up to English, Step up to Maths and ICT
· Asdan - PSD
· AQA Unit Award